Wednesday 9 December 2015

Victims of Bad Habits(Masturbation)

                                                                                                                               image for illustration purposes only

Unfortunately, in today‟s world, many people read pornographic literature, watch pornographic movies and become victims of unnatural sexual excitements. As a result, they lose their seminal energy many times a month in wet dreams or through acts like masturbation. Such habits lead to the emptying of their testicles.
 A lot of energy is needed to refill the empty testicles, thus sufficient semen is not available in the body to produce the ojas that gives vibrant health, strong will power and a sound mind.
Then devoid of good health, radiance and strength, such a person loses the enthusiasm for life. His semen becomes watery. If he fails to control himself before it is too late, then a stage will come when his testicles will stop producing semen altogether. Even if a little bit of semen is produced, it will just be a watery-thin liquid without the capacity to procreate. His life is then not even worth its name. He becomes a mere living carcass. He becomes afflicted with various diseases, and no medicine has any positive effect on him. He goes through a hellish suffering. The scriptures emphatically declare:

           आयुःतेजोबलं वीय ूज्ञा ौी महदयशः |            पुण्यं च ूीितमत्वं च हन्यतेऽॄचयार् ||

Non-observance of brahmacharya leads to loss of longevity, glory, strength, vigour, intellect, wealth, fame, virtues and pure love.‟ Therefore the practice of brahmacharya, i.e. conservation of semen, is most praiseworthy indeed.   

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