Friday 11 December 2015

How Can You Practice Bramhacharya Even in Your Current Life.

The following rules would be very useful to those for day by day life who are trying to observe Brahmacharya in thought, word and deed.

  • Give up evil company, loose talks, cinemas and televisions, and newspapers and magazines dealing with sex,porn and love
  • Do not mix freely with the opposite sex.

  •  Keep your head bowed down while you walk in the street to avoid attraction of opposite sex.
  • Root out love of leisure and ease. Overcome laziness and always be engaged in some useful work

  • If you are a student then Indulge yourself in some physical sports and if you have no time for Sports then make some hobby of playing musical instruments. 

  • As Swami Vivekanada said "If you play football you will realise God sooner than if you read the Bhagavad Gita."

  •  Do not use perfumes and fashionable dress. 
  • Do not attend dance or music parties. Do not sing worldly songs. You may take part in Kirtan and Bhajan without trying to display your musical talent.

  • Do not smoke or take drugs or alcohol. They are harmful to the body and mind. Avoid non-vegetarian food.

Give up tea, coffee, pungent foods and excess of sweets and sugar. Take them moderately if you cannot give them up altogether. If possible, fast once a week. Take only milk and fruit on that day. Do not take milk without mixing a little ginger with it. Avoid pungent, stimulating dishes, sauces, savories and pastries.

As avoiding these above items following brahmacharya will become easy,No sexual desires will disturb you.

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