Thursday 10 December 2015

Rules for Brahmacharya

Few simple rules:

  1. Boys and girls should be brought up simply and naturally in the full belief that they are and can remain innocent.
  2. All should abstain from heating and stimulating foods, condiments such as chillies, fatty, and concentrated food such as fritters, sweets and fried substances.
  3. Husband and wife should occupy separate rooms and avoid privacy.
  4. Both body and mind should be constantly and healthily occupied.
  5. Early to bed and early to rise should be strictly observed.
  6. All unclean literature should be avoided. The antidote for unclean thoughts is clean thoughts.
  7. Theatres, cinemas, etc., which tend to stimulate passion should be shunned.
  8. Nocturnal dreams need not cause any anxiety. A cold bath every time for a fairly strong person is the finest preventive in such cases. It is wrong to say that an occasional indulgence is a safeguard against involuntary dreams.
  9. Above all, one must not consider continence even as between husband and wife to be so difficult as to be practically impossible. On the contrary, self-restraint must be considered to be the ordinary and natural practice of life.
  10. A heartfelt prayer every day for purity makes one progressively pure.
                                                                                                                      By Mahatma Gandhi

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