Wednesday 9 December 2015

How is Semen Formed?

Virya or semen is a very precious constituent of the body. The formation of semen from food is a very lengthy process. Sri Sushrutacharya has written:

                                        रसािं ततो मांसं मांसान्मेदः ूजायते |  
                                 मेदःयािःथः ततो मज्जा मज्जाया: शुबसभंवः ||

When we eat food then the cycle begins:

  1. “Out of food is formed chyle(a milky fluid containing fat droplets which drains from the lacteals of the small intestine into the lymphatic system during digestion).
  2.  Out of chyle comes blood.
  3.  Out of blood comes flesh.
  4. Out of flesh comes fat. 
  5. Out of fat comes bone
  6. Out of bone comes marrow,
  7. and out of marrow comes semen.”
  •  Every step in the transformation of chyle into semen takes about five days. 
  •  Thus semen is the final dhÍtu that is formed from food. In women, this final dhÍtu is called ovum.
  •  Thus it is clear from Sushruthacharya‟s statement as to how semen is formed through a seven stage process; which is said to take approximately 30 days and 4 hours.
  • Scientists state that the consumption of 32 kg of food produces 800 gm of blood, which in turn forms only 20 gm of semen.  
Just a sugar pervades the entire sugarcane and butter pervades milk, so also semen pervades the whole body. Just as buttermilk is thinned after the butter has been extracted, so also the semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of the semen, the more the physical and mental weakness.

In one Ejaculation 20gm of semen is wasted,now re think before wasting the precious element of the body.Preservation of semen takes you to LIFE and wasting to DEATH.

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