Monday 21 December 2015

Mantra Useful in Keeping up Brahmacharya.

                              ' Aum namo bhagavate mahÍbale parÍkramÍya 
                    manobhilÍÙitaÒ manaÏ staÒbha kuru kuru svÍhÍ.'


                          ॐ नमो भगवते महाबले पराबमाय
                   मनोिभलािषतं मनः ःतंभ कुरु कुरु ःवाहा |

Method to Use this Mantra:

Take a cup of milk and look at it while mentally repeating this mantra twenty-one(21) times.
Thereafter drink the milk.
This is an excellent aid to maintain brahmacharya.
This technique is worth assimilating in ones routine life.

Friday 11 December 2015

How Can You Practice Bramhacharya Even in Your Current Life.

The following rules would be very useful to those for day by day life who are trying to observe Brahmacharya in thought, word and deed.

  • Give up evil company, loose talks, cinemas and televisions, and newspapers and magazines dealing with sex,porn and love
  • Do not mix freely with the opposite sex.

  •  Keep your head bowed down while you walk in the street to avoid attraction of opposite sex.
  • Root out love of leisure and ease. Overcome laziness and always be engaged in some useful work

  • If you are a student then Indulge yourself in some physical sports and if you have no time for Sports then make some hobby of playing musical instruments. 

  • As Swami Vivekanada said "If you play football you will realise God sooner than if you read the Bhagavad Gita."

  •  Do not use perfumes and fashionable dress. 
  • Do not attend dance or music parties. Do not sing worldly songs. You may take part in Kirtan and Bhajan without trying to display your musical talent.

  • Do not smoke or take drugs or alcohol. They are harmful to the body and mind. Avoid non-vegetarian food.

Give up tea, coffee, pungent foods and excess of sweets and sugar. Take them moderately if you cannot give them up altogether. If possible, fast once a week. Take only milk and fruit on that day. Do not take milk without mixing a little ginger with it. Avoid pungent, stimulating dishes, sauces, savories and pastries.

As avoiding these above items following brahmacharya will become easy,No sexual desires will disturb you.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Rules for Brahmacharya

Few simple rules:

  1. Boys and girls should be brought up simply and naturally in the full belief that they are and can remain innocent.
  2. All should abstain from heating and stimulating foods, condiments such as chillies, fatty, and concentrated food such as fritters, sweets and fried substances.
  3. Husband and wife should occupy separate rooms and avoid privacy.
  4. Both body and mind should be constantly and healthily occupied.
  5. Early to bed and early to rise should be strictly observed.
  6. All unclean literature should be avoided. The antidote for unclean thoughts is clean thoughts.
  7. Theatres, cinemas, etc., which tend to stimulate passion should be shunned.
  8. Nocturnal dreams need not cause any anxiety. A cold bath every time for a fairly strong person is the finest preventive in such cases. It is wrong to say that an occasional indulgence is a safeguard against involuntary dreams.
  9. Above all, one must not consider continence even as between husband and wife to be so difficult as to be practically impossible. On the contrary, self-restraint must be considered to be the ordinary and natural practice of life.
  10. A heartfelt prayer every day for purity makes one progressively pure.
                                                                                                                      By Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday 9 December 2015

How is Semen Formed?

Virya or semen is a very precious constituent of the body. The formation of semen from food is a very lengthy process. Sri Sushrutacharya has written:

                                        रसािं ततो मांसं मांसान्मेदः ूजायते |  
                                 मेदःयािःथः ततो मज्जा मज्जाया: शुबसभंवः ||

When we eat food then the cycle begins:

  1. “Out of food is formed chyle(a milky fluid containing fat droplets which drains from the lacteals of the small intestine into the lymphatic system during digestion).
  2.  Out of chyle comes blood.
  3.  Out of blood comes flesh.
  4. Out of flesh comes fat. 
  5. Out of fat comes bone
  6. Out of bone comes marrow,
  7. and out of marrow comes semen.”
  •  Every step in the transformation of chyle into semen takes about five days. 
  •  Thus semen is the final dhÍtu that is formed from food. In women, this final dhÍtu is called ovum.
  •  Thus it is clear from Sushruthacharya‟s statement as to how semen is formed through a seven stage process; which is said to take approximately 30 days and 4 hours.
  • Scientists state that the consumption of 32 kg of food produces 800 gm of blood, which in turn forms only 20 gm of semen.  
Just a sugar pervades the entire sugarcane and butter pervades milk, so also semen pervades the whole body. Just as buttermilk is thinned after the butter has been extracted, so also the semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of the semen, the more the physical and mental weakness.

In one Ejaculation 20gm of semen is wasted,now re think before wasting the precious element of the body.Preservation of semen takes you to LIFE and wasting to DEATH.

What great Souls have Quotes on Brahmacharaya

  • Brahmacharya should be like a burning fire within the veins!
  • Even he, born of a foreign nationality and living in a foreign land, can understand the meaning of our Brahmacharya as the only way to the attainment of spirituality, and belies that it is not even in these days rare in India, whilst the hypocritical heroes of our own household are unable to see anything else than carnal relationship in the matrimonial union! 
  • The modern system of education gives no facility for the development of the knowledge of Brahman. We must found Brahmacharya Homes as in times of old
—Swami Vivekanand

  • Life without Brahmacharya appears to me to be insipid and animal-like. 
  • In Confidence, Young India, 13 Oct 1920. The word in Sanskrit corresponding to celibacy is brahmacharya, and the latter means much more than celibacy. Brahmacharya means perfect control over all the senses and organs 
  • Use and Misuse of Eyes. We misuse and corrupt the eyes which God has given us, and do not direct them to the right things. 
  • I took the vow of brahmacharya in 1906. In other words, my efforts to become a perfect brahmachâri started 36 years ago. I cannot say I have attained the full brahmacharya of my definition, but in my opinion I have made substantial progress towards it. If God wills it, I might attain even perfection in this life 
  • Man should look upon every woman as his mother, sister, or daughter. No one ever entertains impure thoughts with regard to his mother, sister, or daughter. Similarly, women should look upon every man as her father, brother, or son. 
—Mahatma Gandhi

1. Brahmacharya is abstaining from all kinds of Maithuna or sexual enjoyment forever, in all places and in all conditions, physically, mentally and verbally.


2. Thinking of a woman or her picture, praising a woman or her picture, sporting with a woman or her picture, glancing at a woman or her picture, secretly talking to a woman, thinking of a sinful action towards a woman actuated by sensuality, determining upon the sinful action, and bodily action resulting in the discharge of semen are the eight characteristics of copulation; and Brahmacharya is quite contrary to all these eight indications.

—Daksha Smriti

3. Know that in this world there is nothing that cannot be attained by one who remains from birth to death a perfect celibate In one person, knowledge of the four Vedas, and in another, perfect celibacy—of these, the latter is superior to the former who is wanting in celibacy.

—The Mahabharata

4. Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a celibate of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed. To the celibate who conserves the semen with great efforts, what is there unattainable in this world? By the power of the composure of the semen, one will become just like myself.

—Lord Sankara

5. And those students who find that world of God through chastity, theirs is that heavenly country; theirs, in whatever world they are, is freedom.

—Chhandogya Upanishad

6. A wise man should avoid married life as if it were a burning pit of live coals. From the contact comes sensation, from sensation thirst, from thirst clinging; by ceasing from that, the soul is delivered from all sinful existence.

—Lord Buddha

7. These sexual propensities, though they are at first like ripples, acquire the proportions of a sea on account of bad company.


8. Sensuality destroys life, lustre, strength, vitality, memory, wealth, great fame, holiness and devotion to the Supreme.

—Lord Krishna

9. Death is hastened by letting out semen from the body; life is saved and prolonged by preserving it.

10. There is no doubt that people die prematurely by letting the semen out of the body; knowing this, the Yogi should always preserve semen and lead a life of strict celibacy.

—Siva Samhita

11. Caution in diet is of threefold value, but abstinence from sexual intercourse is of fourfold value. The Sannyasi had, and has, a rule never to look at a woman.


12. Let not a Brahmin see a woman naked.


Victims of Bad Habits(Masturbation)

                                                                                                                               image for illustration purposes only

Unfortunately, in today‟s world, many people read pornographic literature, watch pornographic movies and become victims of unnatural sexual excitements. As a result, they lose their seminal energy many times a month in wet dreams or through acts like masturbation. Such habits lead to the emptying of their testicles.
 A lot of energy is needed to refill the empty testicles, thus sufficient semen is not available in the body to produce the ojas that gives vibrant health, strong will power and a sound mind.
Then devoid of good health, radiance and strength, such a person loses the enthusiasm for life. His semen becomes watery. If he fails to control himself before it is too late, then a stage will come when his testicles will stop producing semen altogether. Even if a little bit of semen is produced, it will just be a watery-thin liquid without the capacity to procreate. His life is then not even worth its name. He becomes a mere living carcass. He becomes afflicted with various diseases, and no medicine has any positive effect on him. He goes through a hellish suffering. The scriptures emphatically declare:

           आयुःतेजोबलं वीय ूज्ञा ौी महदयशः |            पुण्यं च ूीितमत्वं च हन्यतेऽॄचयार् ||

Non-observance of brahmacharya leads to loss of longevity, glory, strength, vigour, intellect, wealth, fame, virtues and pure love.‟ Therefore the practice of brahmacharya, i.e. conservation of semen, is most praiseworthy indeed.   

Incredible Powers of Brahmcharaya

  • What is the Highest Penance?  
  • What has been eulogized by the sages?
  • What is the source of zeal, prosperity and supernatural powers? 
  • What is the prime source of strength & bliss?

                Answer of all above questions is Brahmacharya 

  • The dejected youth of today who suffer from dreaded diseases such as loss of semen and wet dreams and losing their power. 
  • In a class we may have 30 students. One comes first and the other last. Have we ever imagined why all the students do not come first! The teacher was the same... the education was the same,why because some how he/she might have wastes his precious energy in a form of semen by getting in some trap of lust.

Preservation of Semen Promotes Longevity:

Semen is like the emperor of this bodily kingdom. If this king is strong and powerful, enemies in the form of diseases can never attack this kingdom. Diseases afflict the body only if the semen, the king, is weak. This is why it is written in the scriptures:
                          मरणं िबन्दोपातेन जीवनं िबन्दधारणातु ् |
“Death is hastened by expending semen and life is prolonged by its preservation.”

  Jain scriptures term the lack of brahmacharya as a grave sin. 
                              अबंभचिरयं घोरं पमायं दरिहिठ्ठयमु ् |
`Non observance of brahmacharya is a grave sin.‟     (The Dasha Vaikalika Sutra : 6.17) 

In „Ayurveda‟, brahmacharya is considered to be the source of supreme power: „Brahmacharya is the Supreme strength.‟ 

Lord Shiva has even gone to the extent of saying that it is only due to the power of brahmacharya that He has attained such an elevated state of glory: